Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Special to the classification is how you look at?

Private hospitals, the Ministry of Health hospitals in the classification plan, the difference in wages and 100 percent higher was supported by the record. Examination fee to be 5 lira demand special hospitals, because of these charges and this will lead to patients' health will improve also suggest drug expenses are

Fatma Ergüzeloğlu / Ankara

Ministry of Health hospitals, which supports the work categories Association of Private Hospitals and Health Foundation (OHSAD), Ministry of health service providers to put their own arrangements to avoid disputes between them should be reported.

Private health institutions to undertake the cost of the license by specifying serious stage, a series of personnel and infrastructure to meet the standard because of the operation of the institution "also be punished" have been saved.

OHSAD additional fee was requested on the integration of flexible boundaries. At a rate of 100 per cent of all private institutions Licensed difference is recommended to take charge, the quality criteria that meet a certain percentage of institutions have come out on top of this there has been expressed.

Social Security Institution (SGK) OHSAD delegation with representatives from a private health institutions will be signed between SGK and Purchase Agreement relating to Health Service has recommended.

OHSAD current application and the number of prescription drug costs in the long term will improve short-said. According to World Health Organization report, 1 written prescriptions and medicines in health institutions basamak s 2nd due to the same disease group health institutions of digits written that the drug is higher than machines OHSAD, examination of patients from hospitals because of the cost of participation will lead to health and this also improves the drug costs were expressed. The most important reason for working in the health of the general practitioners, specialist physicians based on the type of prescription drugs to more focused and does not have infection, despite the widespread use of antibiotics has been shown to prefer.

Between the request message to the first row SGK'ya participation rate was examined. The patients go to private health institutions from 10 TL U.S. examination of the cost of participation, the public hospitals to compete unfairly against the private sector, dragging the bodies of patients and it was stated that the victim is reduced to the state. General Health Insurance Act, the examination of the cost of participation 1, 2 and 3 health service providers at different levels according to the steps may be identified, but among the public and private health server can not be any discrimination, it is illegal to take it forward.

Examination of the public and private sector participation fee equal to demand implementation OHSAD, has requested not to exceed fee of 5 USD. Participation will be taken for examination and medical examination of the purchase price as may be specified under the two-stage sample were as follows:

"For example, examinations for 3 TL, 3 TL for prescription drugs and by 2 stages (3 + 3) collection can be done. In this case, treatment and drug costs in the total level of savings can be 20-30 percent. High-cost private institutions participating in the private sector only cause patients to reduce the public hospitals and public health institutions, especially in primary care leads to a serious increase in patients.

OHSAD, SGK Services Agreement for Purchase order changes are suggestions. Additional charges against more than to get private health institutions getirilen should reduce the amount of penalties that the Association to contract more serious acts of infringement that host is taken into consideration will be given 10 thousand TL in the penalty must not exceed said. In more than one violation of the act in the case of patients for each billing period is only one sentence has been proposed. Received more than 5 times the amount established in the direction of the penalty will be prepared to give substance to the provisions of the contract was requested inclusion.

The agreed area, to establish additional fees to be notified within 5 days of editing changes that need to be revised provisions also specified. , Noted that "in 2009 by the Council of Ministers and institutions likely be made aware of rate changes to the contract to be released 01 January 2009 by reason of special centers to implement this Article and the revised text should be possible to adapt to changes" was said. However, the agreed areas, health authorities will be given by "the document indicates additional charges" relating to the provisions of regulations should be re-phrase that has been open.

"Branches of CANCEL CANCEL arrangements should be brought"
The physician within 60 days instead of leaving to work does not start a new physician, industry and other applications, organizer, cancellation of the contract clause of the revision was requested. Association brought the following recommendation:

"This section is in contradiction with the legislation and health and includes statements beyond the purpose. Because the Ministry of Health in such cases and that the industry does not cancel in the application does not want to. Moreover, because doctors can not find the same item to be removed from the registration of branches in the 60-day period is used, as not all branches of industry not only are doctors not try to make it, so the hospital closes. This section should be removed from the text. "

" 'PART-TIME" LIMIT OF PATIENTS physician must "
OHSAD, physicians can provide more efficient services outside regular doctor "part-time" needs to see the doctor and the patient quota limit must be reported. "Or, actually," part-time "to doctors working in private institutions is not allowed to say, this new regulation from the private hospitals will be available to part-time physicians have used enough of the right to be mean to take forward. In addition, 50 patients daily or monthly limit of 350 weeks as the implementation of 1500 patients will increase the efficiency has been defended.

"Non-physician health personnel" described by the circular opening of the medical officer, nurse, etc.. should be as clearly specified. Of Physiotherapy technician (physiotherapist) to work under the supervision of health personnel allow 3 to help was requested.

Agreement "founding partner" phrase be removed from the text was. "Founding partners, the respective companies even if they transfer all the shares in the company of the newspaper are always available as a founding partner. This statement is technically impossible because of the center is like the application "was said.

"PROCEDURE TO PARTNER must be addressed"
Health agencies in the partnership to change the changes are published in the Trade Registry of the newspaper article also criticized the contract stipulate that the Association has the following suggestions:

"Trade Register, etc. changes the transfer of shares in the newspaper in the newspaper is registered, but registration of the respective companies to reach the newspaper often takes several months. Therefore, removing the 30-day period should be at least 6 months. Moreover, companies often are not any changes ünvanlarında does not require license changes. Therefore, the above paragraph should look like this: Health services server owner and joint-stock company in the management board members and / or founding partners, other types of companies in the public all or a portion to be modified, if this change register gazetesinde release from 6 months to dry to report and the necessary documents is obliged to transmit. Dry the notice by the Ministry of Health on behalf of the person who inherits the ruhsatname / activity permit to change if necessary until a new license arrangement, health service providers to the former owner and managing director in charge of the activity continues. In the event of detection of timely notice, this contract (5.1.10) is done according to Article no'lu. "

"Package price must be at the Mağduriyetleri EXPENSES"
Package the applications for examinations, treatment, medication and blood products, such as spending more than 50 percent of package price to prevent victimization in the direction of the cases were brought following recommendations:
"Additional-9 in the list of the package during operation the examination and analysis used in medical materials, blood, blood products and drugs of the cost of total package price of 1 / 2 'sini if exceeded, medical and administrative reasons, by specifying and documenting the institution to be accepted on condition that 1 / 2 URL beyond the part is also paid. These types of cases, 'other' by using the buttons must be billed separately. Pricing adopted by the Agency will apply the official prices. "

"CRIMINAL TO BRING acts which must be"
Failure by the blood from the center of the penalty foreseen in the "emergency situation and medical requirements" should not apply in the case were recorded. Fines of a portion of which acts sehven, a section of code and system error occurred in a section may also be required to specify clearly the definition of this case has been requested.

Nevertheless, violations of criminal procedure require termination of the contract and the related first defense to be taken and the contract may be suspended certain period were to be rearranged. And deliberate acts always made sehven request was made to distinguish. OHSAD has suggested the following:

"Many hospitals in each billing period averaged over 15-thousand-20 thousand MEDULA are different modes of operation and 0.1 percent (in thousands 1) process error means error even 15-20. Likewise, the quality of services and services that are used to prove documents, hospitals and programs MEDULA problems, frequent change of the SUT and attachments, and all this code in the computer and the internet this kind inevitably makes mistakes sometimes. In fact, the termination process will be is not easy to identify as indisputable. Between the center of the contract because of this Article institutions will be replaced in case of serious disputes or at least the previous version needs to be protected. "

To avoid unnecessary delays pre-payment must be made that the appeal OHSAD, agreed by the Authority before the center to have a chance to complete the requested documents were requested. For this purpose, the application Tebliği Health (SUT) 'What has been proposed to add the following paragraph:
"Except to the invoice, billed as an attachment to the lack of all the documents at the request of the institution may be resolved by the relevant centers. For this, corresponding to the center before the bill agreed on MEDULA excluding other documents in the appendix can be returned to the contracted health facilities, and 3 days to complete the correction period is known. "

Review of appeals made to interfere with the results of the industry's only objection was to stop payments. Some provinces are all stopped up with payment by the hospital "What appeals to all branches except the branch must be paid or 90 percent of the total invoice amount must be paid" was said. Agency employees who willfully cuts implementation issue was brought to punishment. System can not be given back or MEDULA given as invoices can be manually determined by the medical material of equivalent criteria, the equivalent of creating the list was requested.

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